La Jolla Shores
La Jolla Shores is San Diego’s most famous beach and recreation areas. The busy, mile-long beach runs along the eastern shore of the La Jolla Ecological Reserve. This protected marine sanctuary where fishing prohibits fishing or taking of any objects.
The northern end of the beach near Scripps Pier is a great surf break. Bordering most of Shores’ beach is Kellogg Park. The south end of the park, lined by Camino del Oro is the spot to find scuba divers gearing up for a dive. Continuing south along the beach, past the La Jolla Shores hotel you will see the only boat launch in La Jolla. This section of beach is often bustling with kayakers heading out to explore the La Jolla sea caves.
Park in the large lot at the north end of Kellogg Park. The parking is often quite crowded. Plan to arrive earlier in the day for more accessible parking.
There is a permanent lifeguard tower at the south end of the parking lot. San Diego lifeguards staff the towers during specific daytime hours.
Check out some of the great snorkeling sites near La Jolla Shores.